Regala los mensajes inspiradores de laCaja de Bendiciones 101 Bendiciones para un Hombre de Diosa un hijo, padre, tío o amigo para fundamentarlos en la verdad de Dios. Deje que los 101 versículos de las Escrituras dentro de este recuadro sean un recordatorio del poder y la fuerza que Dios da a sus hijos.
La caja está cerrada por una tapa marrón ajustada decorada con intrincados motivos arremolinados en un marrón más oscuro. El exterior de la caja también es marrón, con un fondo que recuerda al cuero desgastado. El título está impreso en letras negritas de color blanquecino con diseños marrones para embellecer el diseño.
101 bendiciones para un hombre de Dios
Cada tarjeta dentro de esta caja es marrón por un lado y blanquecino por el otro para coordinar con los colores exteriores. Ambos lados presentan un versículo de las Escrituras para animar a quien lo lea.
Regale esta caja como regalo de Navidad o combínela con un libro devocional como regalo de cumpleaños. Hazle saber a un hombre piadoso en tu vida cuánto lo amas al leer estos mensajes empoderadores. LaCaja de Bendiciones de las 101 Bendiciones para un Hombre de Dioses una caja llena de recordatorios de la fuerza y el poder que Dios da a su pueblo.
Caja a todo color con un atrevido diseño marrón.
50 tarjetas de doble cara
101 versículos de las Escrituras
Impresión a todo color en la caja.
Impresión a todo color en tarjetas.
Caja resistente con tapa
Cada caja envuelta en plástico plástico.
Tamaño de la tarjeta: 3,4" x 2,3" (87 x 58 mm)
Tamaño de la caja: 3,8" x 2,7" x 1,1" (97 x 69 x 28 mm)
Great for the price. I have similar pens that I spent 3$ -4$ for the pens likes these and the Veritas are just as good or comparable to the more pricey ones. I would like to talk to someone about the bibles you sell. Usually I spend 3-4$ per a pen these are a set that are equally as good.
The cover looks amazing and feels good in your hands reading. The daily devotions you read every day are good for thought and soul.
HOLD FAST 20 oz Stainless Steel Tumbler 76 Flag Travis Shaffer
Love it. Keeps my drinks hot for a long time and I get many compliments on the design of it as well. Love the quality of it and customer service is outstanding as well.
I ordered this cover from tik tok and I love it. It is well made and beautiful. Thanks for the planner and others brochures. I would like to know if you have one that is 11x9x2
Love Never Fails Bible Cover
Stephanie Cortez
The item shipped super fast.
The item shipped super fast. I received the item in such good condition, plus received a few extra items in the package. The price was very reasonable. Im supper excited to start reading these bedtime stories to my kidos. A great way to teach them about God. The seller seems to really care .
365 Read - Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories
This is a wonderful interactive journal with tons of plants and learning materials for enriching your life and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who�s looking to heal on their spiritual journey
The Prayer Map for Hope and Healing
I chose this book to share with my male audience and I do not regret my purchase because this book is absolutely amazing with the devotionals from men. Resonates with masculine energy and I would highly recommend this book to men on their spiritual journey.
Praying Grace for Men
This is a great reflection devotional book.
The topics it covers are basically from day-to-day life that will help nourish your soul with wisdom and understanding, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who needs a spiritual boost to uplift your mood.